Regional Commissioner

From AYSO Wiki
Regional Commissioner Clipboard
Executive Tasks
RC Checklist
Fiduciary Responsibilities
Regional Operations
Dispute Resolution/Due Process
Community Relations
Administrative Tasks
Create Calendar/Annual Budget
Regional Board Oversight
Annual Affiliation
In Season
Management Systems
Registration Website (Sports Connect)
Administrative (Association Platform)
Training (AYSOU)
Credit Card (Bill/Divvy)
Accounting (QuickBooks)

Regional Commissioner


The AYSO volunteer position of Regional Commissioner is intended to have the responsibility and the authority to manage the day-to-day business of the Region as described in Article III of the Standard Regional Guidelines within the framework of the AYSO operation regulations. The RC is nominated by the sitting regional board for a term no shorter than one (1) year to a three (3) term. The nominating vote is to be properly conducted via the process defined in the AYSO Resource book, documented and recorded in the minutes of a regional board meeting. The RC is approved by the Area Director and Section Director and only becomes an Executive Member once the National Board of Directors appoints them by vote. National Bylaws 7.

The role of the Regional Commissioner serving in the capacity of an AYSO Executive Member is overseeing the regional strategy, finances, volunteer recruitment, scheduling, Regional and National Rules and Regulations, Policies and Protocols, National Policies and Bylaws, Regional growth and most of all ensuring the program supports the AYSO Mission Statement of “Developing and Delivering a Quality Youth Soccer Program.

Regional Commissioner Job Description

Education Pathway

Management Training Matrix

Safe Haven



Sudden Cardiac Awareness (In required states)

Regional Board Member Training

RC Orientation with Area Director

RC Certification Training

Dispute Resolution

Due Process

Treasurer Certification


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Pages in category "Regional Commissioner"

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