QuickBooks 1099 Set-up

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The Finance Team is happy to assist you with setting up your 1099 vendors. If you'd rather do this on your own please download the training guide above to walk you through the steps of producing the 1099 report in QuickBooks.

As a QuickBooks user, generating the 1099 report from QuickBooks can simplify completing the requested template. The 1099 Report in QuickBooks does not provide all of the information needed from the National office, so we are still requesting the template be completed. Even though QuickBooks may offer to file 1099's for you, please do not use this service yet. We are looking into this as a future option. The AYSO Finance Department will file all 1099's on the Region's behalf and ensure they are sent to each recipient.

Important, all Contractors/Vendors in QuickBooks who need a 1099, must have the "Track payments for 1099" box checked during vendor set up. Refer to the downloadable training above for help.

As a reminder, some Region's share vendors so include the total payment to all contractors regardless of amounts. The office will consolidate reports received from other Regions and if after all Region’s reports are consolidated the vendor does not meet the $600 threshold, a 1099 will not be issued.

AYSO is always here to help with your region's finances. Email us at finance@ayso.org. See the Support page for other ways of getting help. Can't find a topic? Send us your needs or suggestions at support@ayso.org.
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