
From AYSO Wiki

SafeSport Act Mandatory Training  (Effective January 1, 2022)

The 2017 SafeSport Act has expanded Mandated Reporters to include adults authorized to interact with children. Due to this expansion, that includes AYSO and it requires training on child abuse and mandated reporting.

Effective, January 1, 2022, U.S. Soccer will no longer allow equivalent training* and has mandated SafeSport training.

What does this mean for AYSO?

AYSO will comply with the federal SafeSport training requirement and we will integrate with the U.S. Soccer Education and Learning Center as well as their Player Health and Safety Courses.

You must complete training every 12 months. The Core course is taken in the first year, followed by  Refresher 1, Refresher 2, and Refresher 3 in each subsequent year. The cycle begins again with the  SafeSport® Trained Core in year 5

AYSO falls under the jurisdiction of the Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017. AYSO is partnered with US Soccer's Safe Soccer program to ensure compliance across our regions.

Safesport Screenshot.png

If the SafeSport certification expires, the volunteer is NOT ELIGIBLE to participate in their job function until they regain compliance.

SafeSport must be done before regular contact with an amateur athlete who is a minor begins, or within the first 45 days of initial membership, or upon beginning a new role subjecting the participating adult to this policy.

After completing the course, the certificate will sync automatically* with the Association Platform. If it does not, contact your region's CVPA for assistance.

* In order for your certificate to sync between SafeSport and Sports Connect, the following items must match in each system:

  • First & Last Name (the names must be exact, Bill/William, Jenny/Jennifer or using a multi part name in one and not the other will cause the sync to fail)
  • DOB (update 12/4/2023) This was not always a required field in SafeSport. If the DOB is missing in your SafeSport User Profile, type in your DOB and save the changes. Contact your CVPA and let them know you updated this information. There is a procedure they can perform (in E4/SCA - Get SafeSport Updates) to sync your SafeSport account with Sports Connect to ensure any future certificates are updated automatically.
  • Email

Note: On a volunteer's dashboard within Sports Connect their SafeSport Certification will show an Expiration Date until it is expired. After expiration date it will show as None.

See also: Register for Safesport

I follow the instructions and I don’t see the SafeSport option in the Sports Connect screen, what do I do?

Please send an email to with your Region number and let them know that you do not see the SafeSports link in your account.

Where can Region admins Verify that SafeSport was completed?

We have added SafeSport to the Compliance widget on your Dashboard in the Association platform where you will be able to see which Volunteers have completed the SafeSport requirement. See more here: Verify that SafeSport was completed

SafeSport is now a required certificate in the Association platform. In order to activate teams and print out official rosters, your team admins will need to complete SafeSport.

Why can’t I activate my team in the Association Platform?

How long does it take for my training to show up in the Association platform?

The certificate and verification should upload to the Association platform within two hours of completion. During the busy season it might take longer than that. If your certification takes longer than a day to upload please send an email to

Is the new required SafeSport Training replacing the AYSO Safe Haven Training?

AYSO’s Safe Haven is designed to be the one course on AYSO that every volunteer takes as an orientation to AYSO, to put everyone on the same page, and so we can all work together to create a safe haven for our participants. It includes AYSO’s Vision, Six Philosophies, Player Programs, Role Model Behaviors for a safe learning environment (Kids Zone, Stewards of the Game, P.I.E.), Supervision Protocols, AYSO’s Risk Management requirements (No Bouncy Houses, hayrides; Goalpost and Golf Cart safety;) and yes, a review of AYSO’s Approved Activities and mandated reporting – but it is only a brief review of AYSO’s procedures.

The section on Emergency Medical Conditions and environmental safety is the section we hope to migrate to US Soccer’s physician-led and reviewed materials as the best resource for our programs. We believe AYSO’s Safe Haven is essential for creating the uniquely AYSO experience and Safe Haven we strive for in order to fulfill the vision of enriching children’s lives.

My SafeSport course keeps freezing or is not showing as completed, what do I do?

Unfortunately, the AYSO Office are not able to troubleshoot technical issues regarding SafeSport. Volunteers will need to reach out directly to SafeSport.

Here is the contact information for the SafeSport Tech Support team: Phone: (720) 676-6417 Create a support ticket:

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