Sports Connect Reports

From AYSO Wiki

Video Overview for Sports Connect Reports:

Reports Overview

  • There are many reports in Sports Connect.
    • Reports vary based on role.
    • Standard Reports can be edited and saved.
  • Most Popular Reports
    • Enrollment Details
    • Enrollment Summary
    • Volunteer Details
    • Shopping Cart
    • Team Roster
    • Billing Reports

Where to Find Reports

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Found at the top of the page, click the Reports tab to find the Reports page.

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On the left of the page you'll see all of the report categories.

Edit Reports

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Most reports can be edited to show only the data you want, or to add data you need to a report. On the right side of the page you can remove or add columns to the report your viewing. You can also use the Conditions tool to filter the information in the report.

Save Custom/Edited Report

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Any report that you edit can be saved.

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These reports will be stored in the Saved Reports menu. You can further organize your saved reports by creating sub folders.

Export Reports

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Most reports can be exported to Excel.

How to find Custom Questions for a Report

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While in the report you want to add one of your custom questions to choose Add Colum, then for Category choose Custom Questions. The Select FormName dropdown will show you the forms that are eligible to be added to this report.

Additional Player Information is where you'll find custom questions made during program setup and can be added to the Enrollment Details report.

Custom Questions for Volunteers are found in Additional Volunteer Information, and can be added to the Volunteer Details report.

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