Using Divvy for Player Registrations

From AYSO Wiki

When you accept cash or checks for the registration payments, and then use your Divvy card to register the player, there are a few steps that need to be taken.

Before you record any cash registration transactions, please email We will need to set up both an account in your QuickBooks and a NAP code in Divvy so you can complete the transactions without double reporting your revenue.

Once you have confirmation that we've set up your QBO & Divvy to accommodate Cash Registration Transactions, please note the following steps

Cash/Check received from Parent

This deposit, with the appropriate cash reconciliation report should be added to QuickBooks:

  1. Ensure that the bank where you deposited the cash is correct at the top
  2. Enter a new line for each Parent/Player you received cash/check from
  3. The Account is the 2550 Cash Payments Clearing Account that the Finance Team will have set up for you
  4. Description should be information about which player this is for
  5. Amount is the amount received for that player
  6. Don't forget to attach your Cash Tally Sheet and/or your Registration Reconciliation Form as backup of the cash/check transactions

Paying for Registration with Divvy Card

When you pay for a player registration using your Divvy Card, you will need to categorize this to the same 2550 Cash Payments Clearing Account the Finance team set up for you, where you categorized the deposit in QuickBooks.


By using the same category for both the cash that was deposited and the credit card charge, your 2550 Cash Payments Clearing account should always zero out.

Sports Connect Deposit received by the bank

When the credit card is processed and you receive your deposit in the bank, you will record this just the same as if a parent/family registered their player with their own credit card. Please follow the steps outlined on the Sports Connect Bank Deposit Reconciliation page here in the wiki.

AYSO is always here to help with your region's finances. Email us at See the Support page for other ways of getting help. Can't find a topic? Send us your needs or suggestions at
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