Uncategorized Transactions

From AYSO Wiki

As part of your Monthly Review, you'll be looking for anything in your "Uncategorized" accounts and assigning to the proper categories.

What are the Uncategorized Accounts?

QuickBooks automatically created several accounts listed as "uncategorized" but these accounts should never be used in your bookkeeping.

uncategorized categories.png

Why do I have Uncategorized Income/Asset/Expenses?

There are a few reasons we see uncategorized transactions.

  • Old Divvy NAP codes were assigned to the transactions that are not mapped to your current Chart of Accounts
  • QBO suggested Uncategorized Categories in the bank feed and these were accepted without review
  • The correct category was unknown so the Uncategorized option was selected as a placeholder

How do I correct Uncategorized Transactions?

While you can review your bank register to find uncategorized transactions, most find it easier to locate these by running reports in QuickBooks.

As an example:

  • Navigate to Reports in the Black Navigation Menu
  • Select the Statement of Activity report from your Favorites
  • Change the Dates on the report to reflect the period you are reviewing as needed
  • Click on the Dollar value to open up the transactions that make up that total.
  • Simply click on the expense you need to edit or adjust and you will be presented with the details for the transaction, giving you the opportunity to recategorize as needed.

What accounts should I look for for to identify errors?

As you review reports, be on the lookout for accounts with a dollar value that:

  • Do not have an Account Number
  • That displays with (Deleted)
  • Are called "Uncategorized"

Back to QuickBooks User Guide Home | Learn how to Categorize or Match Transactions | Reconciling your Bank and Divvy Account

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