Matching Transactions

From AYSO Wiki

When you have recorded your transactions in advance, QuickBooks can often match with your previously entered transaction, marking it as having cleared your bank. QuickBooks will not download Pending transactions - only ones that are complete.

When you have uncleared transactions in your QBO Register, QuickBooks will look to see if any match the recently downloaded transactions. These are often indicated with 1 or more match found in the "Category or Match Column".


When you click on the Match column for the transaction, QBO will tell you what match or matches it found or give you the option to find other matches.

When you Select Match, QuickBooks now knows the downloaded record is the same one you already entered.

It connects the two so there are no duplicates.

Back to QuickBooks User Guide Home | Learn how to Categorize or Match Transactions | Reconciling your Bank and Divvy Account

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