Manual Import Transactions

From AYSO Wiki

Different than manually entering transactions when they happen, you may find yourself needing to import transactions.

When would you need to import transactions

  • If your bank has lost connection and you see large gaps in your transaction history
  • If, when connecting your bank, you did not bring in historical transactions you now want or need for accurate and complete record keeping
  • Divvy transactions were completed outside of the sync window and need to be brought into QuickBooks

How do you manually import transactions

From your bank

When you are importing transactions from your bank, it IS possible to duplicate data that is already in QuickBooks. It is HIGHLY recommended that you connect with for guidance and assistance until you are completely confident in the process.

  • While every bank will have a different interface, most have the option to download transactions.
  • Select the date range for the transactions you wish to download to represent the missing transactions from QuickBooks
  • You will then likely be prompted to select the download format.
    • The preferred format is the QBO format most banks offer
    • If QBO format is not an option, you can download in CSV
  • In QuickBooks, Navigate to Transactions -> Bank Transactions like we did when Categorizing Transactions
  • Select the Arrow next to "Link Account" and choose upload from file
  • From there the steps will guide you through the rest of the import.

From Divvy (Bill Spend & Expense)

  • Like connecting to Divvy, Importing from Divvy does not happen in QuickBooks.
  • Log in to your Divvy (Bill Spend & Expense) account and select Transactions from the left menu
  • You can use the filters to identify specific date ranges or even filter down to only transactions that have not synced with QuickBooks
  • Select only the transactions you wish to import by clicking the box next to the transactions
  • Once selected, you will see the option to select "Bulk Action" from the right side of your screen and select "Sync to QuickBooks" from the dropdown

Back to QuickBooks User Guide Home | Learn how to Categorize or Match Transactions | Reconciling your Bank and Divvy Account

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