Creating Invoices

From AYSO Wiki

QuickBooks allows you to create and send Invoices if you need to receive payments from other Sections, Areas or Regions. Since AYSO is set up as a Non-Profit, QBO will call these pledges.

Where to create an Invoice

As with most things in QBO, there are many ways to create an invoice

(1) You can select the +New Button in the upper Left and then select "Pledge" under the Customers Column

+New Button in QBO.png

(2) You can select the Sales -> Pledges option from


Either option will open up the Invoice Page

Understanding the Invoice Page

Invoice Screen.png
  1. First you will add in your customer. If you have not created the customer before, you can create the customer directly from the invoice
  2. Next add in your details for the:
    • Invoice number
    • Terms
    • Date
    • Due Date
  3. Each amount you are invoicing will need to have a Product or service created. then include your description and amounts
  4. Payments - DO NOT TURN ON QUICKBOOKS PAYMENTS. Instead, all invoices should be paid directly via Bank bill pay services, Chase Credit Card processing, or check.

Once you've created your invoice, you are ready to save and print or send electronically. To send electronically, ensure that you have the proper email address included with your customer.

AYSO is always here to help with your region's finances. Email us at See the Support page for other ways of getting help. Can't find a topic? Send us your needs or suggestions at
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