Frequently Asked Questions - Treasurer
How do I contact the AYSO Finance Department?
- Email:
- Phone: (800) USA-AYSO or (800) 872-2976
- Fax: (310) 525-1155
American Youth Soccer Organization
Attn: Finance Department
19700 S. Vermont Ave., Suite 103
Torrance, CA 90502
Web Site:
Why do Treasurers need to be trained
Training and Certification ensures that volunteers understand the available resources and the responsibilities of their positions. It also offers the best hope that every family will receive the best possible AYSO experience.
What training is offered to a Treasurer?
AYSO training for Treasurers begins with the Regional Commissioner.
- The next step is to take AYSO’s Safe Haven and the Treasurer Course offered online on AYSOU or from a qualified Management Instructor.
- You can schedule 1x1 training via Teams Meeting by using this calendar link.
- Additional training is offered during Section EXPOs.
- Consult your Area Director or Area Management Administrator for details on local training opportunities.
What is the time commitment?
The Regional Commissioner can identify the time requirements for the Treasurer position.
Where can Treasurers go for support?
The AYSO Finance team is happy to help when needed and offer volunteers the opportunity to either send questions/issues to us via email to, or you can simply schedule a call with our team using this calendar link.
Additional resources also include:
- Your Regional Commissioner
- Neighboring Region counterparts
- Area counterparts
- Section counterparts
- QuickBooks User Guide and other Wiki Articles
How is the Treasurer involved in registration?
The Treasurer or his/her trained representative must employ a process, using at least two trained volunteers, that will reconcile the number of registrations and the amount of monies collected. Cash and checks received in the mail or from any in-person event must be deposited the same day collected or on the next banking day. National Annual Player Registration Fees must be paid to the AYSO National Organization.
Does the Treasurer have to prepare the entire Region budget?
No, the Treasurer is responsible for assisting the Regional Commissioner with preparing the annual budget and providing reports on past expenditures and receipts, but is not solely responsible for its completion. Other Board Members should assist in the process. More information cane be found under Annual Budget Planning.
How do Regions open up a bank account?
Certain procedures need to be followed when opening a bank account with a federally insured financial institution. This is explained in detail under the section Checking and Savings Accounts/Opening an Account.
Note that all bank statements, including electronic images of cancelled checks must be saved in the AYSO Financial System of Record. Please do not send these to the AYSO Office unless requested. Another AYSO’s suggested storage location can be found under Document Storage. Please enroll is electronic statements with your banking institution.
Can Regions use a Debit or Credit Card?
Other than a card specifically authorized by AYSO (currently the DIVVY card), AYSO policies prohibit the use of a debit or credit card as all disbursements are to be done by check only, written against the Region’s checking account. The Region may use a ‘Deposit Only’ ATM card. At times, when opening a new account, some banks automatically issue credit/debit cards to the signers on the account. These are not permitted and are routinely destroyed when received at AYSO National Office. More information can be found in the Financial Policy Section of the AYSO Reference Book (The Yellow Book)
Can the Region use online banking?
Yes, online banking is permitted.
Where can I get forms and documents such as the AYSO IRS tax determination letter, Budget, or the AYSO Chart of Accounts?
These forms and documents are available for download at the AYSO website: Finance Forms
How do Regions close a bank account?
Contact the AYSO Finance Department to inform them of the closing and plans for transferring funds.
If the Region is closing a bank account and transferring the funds to a new or existing region bank account, a check must be written for the balance remaining payable to the Region (i.e., AYSO Region _ _ _ _).
The check should be deposited immediately into the new/existing account and categorized as coming from the account you are closing.
You will need to complete a final reconciliation to the last statement showing the account has a zero balance and is closed, along with uploading the statement to QuickBooks following your normal process.
A Region has decided to shut down. Where should the remaining funds in the bank account go?
If the Region is closing down, the Area Director and the AYSO Finance Department should be informed. The remaining balance of any accounts should be sent to the Finance Department in the form of a check. The Treasurer and Regional Commissioner are not relieved of their fiduciary obligations until all assets (financial and physical) are properly accounted for. Email the Finance Team for further instructions on how to record the transfer of funds.
Can multiple codes be used on one check?
Yes. You can split any checks or expenditures across multiple accounts in the Accounting Platform of Record (Currently QuickBooks Online). You can also split deposits across multiple income categories.
My check supply is running low. How do I re-order checks?
Contact the bank or check supply company to re-order checks. Checks can often be purchased for less through check supply companies not affiliated with your bank, including through Costco, Walmart, Sam’s Club, and Amazon.
I have another question not listed.
Pleaseemail the Finance Team so we can assist further. We are happy to help and will augment the wiki as more questions arise.