Tournament and Cultural Exchange

From AYSO Wiki


As outlined in the AYSO Tournament Handbook, if a Region decides to hold a tournament, a tournament committee must be established which includes a Tournament Director and a Tournament Treasurer. The Tournament Treasurer reports to the Regional Treasurer. The Tournament Treasurer should be thoroughly familiar with the contents of the Treasurer Manual and must comply with the Region’s internal control procedures.

All tournament financial records and reports from the Finance Department will be sent to the Regional Treasurer for subsequent distribution to the Tournament Treasurer. The Regional Commissioner always remains ultimately responsible for all the funds collected and distributed in the name of AYSO at the Regional level. Consequently, the Regional Commissioner can veto any disbursement that he/she does not feel is appropriate.

AYSO Policy Statement 2.8 outlines requirements and restrictions for hosting AYSO tournaments. Regions, Areas, and Sections that host an AYSO tournament must have a healthy financial standing in the organization. Tournament hosts must not have outstanding debts, balances or invoices due to the organization, its sponsors or suppliers. Failure to comply with requirements to bring accounts current may result in denial of tournament approval or other sanctions as defined by policy.


It is mandatory that the Tournament Treasurer prepare a written budget. See here for more information.


Cultural Exchange* is defined as any game, series of games or tournament in which AYSO players travel to another country, or where an AYSO Region, Area or Section hosts a team from another country, for the dual purpose of playing soccer and learning about different cultures, geographic areas and making friends through the universal language of soccer (AYSO Tournament Handbook). See here for more information.

AYSO is always here to help with your region's finances. Email us at See the Support page for other ways of getting help. Can't find a topic? Send us your needs or suggestions at