Cultural Exchange

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Cultural Exchange

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Cultural Exchange* is defined as any game, series of games or tournament in which AYSO players travel to another country, or where

an AYSO Region, Area or Section hosts a team from another country, for the dual purpose of playing soccer and learning about different cultures, geographic areas and making friends through the universal language of soccer (AYSO Tournament Handbook).

*Effective August 1, 2010, Cultural Exchange will only refer to international interactions.

Good financial planning is essential for a successful cultural exchange program. It is mandatory that the appointed Cultural Exchange Treasurer prepare a written budget. The budget should reflect the anticipated revenues and expected expenses for the program. The budget must be approved by the Regional Commissioner and copies must be distributed to all participants. The written budget should:

  • Identify revenue sources:
    • Team member fees
    • Sponsors & contributions
    • Fundraising activities income
    • Other (provide details)
  • Identify expenditures:
    • Travel (airfare, ground transportation)
    • Hotel
    • Meals
    • Refreshments
    • Gifts for visiting/hosting teams
    • Sight-seeing and other experiences
    • Other (provide details)

Important Note: Cultural Exchange programs cannot use Regional operating funds to support cultural exchange teams. These teams and activities must be funded by separate funding (participant fees, fundraising, etc.)

Just like Tournaments, Cultural Exchange revenues and expenses should be tracked separately from regular Regional operations using appropriate AYSO chart of accounts coding. If absolutely necessary, an additional checking account may be opened with the approval of the Regional Commissioner and the AYSO Finance Department. For details on opening account, see Opening an Account. The Cultural Exchange Treasurer becomes a required signatory on the additional account.

At the discretion of the Regional Board, Regional funds may be used for hosting activities when these associated cultural exchange events are ones in which the entire Region may participate

At the discretion of the Regional Board, Regional funds may be used for hosting activities when these associated cultural exchange events are ones in which the entire Region may participate.

The Cultural Exchange Treasurer must present a report on the financial status of the program to Regional Commissioner on a quarterly basis. A financial report listing sufficient detail about the cultural exchange program must be distributed to all participants after the cultural exchange is completed.  Any funds left over will remain with the Region under the responsibility of the Region. A refund to player’s parents for their participation in the funding of the cultural exchange is at the discretion of the Regional Commissioner and the Regional Board. Checks should be written to individual parent rather than to a coach to disperse.

If you have cultural exchange questions that are not addressed in this section, [e-mail]