Stack Officials
Stack Officials is a tool for scheduling, managing Referees, and more. It offers features such as mobile app, schedule sync with Sports Connect, assignments, communication, and reports.
This page is a work in progress. As this tool becomes available to AYSO Sections, Areas, and Regions this page will gain more information.
Stack Officials will generally be available for Sections, Areas, and Regions to use. Check with your Section Director to verify if your Section has an account or if your Area has an account that your Region will be able to use.
If your Region would like to use Stack Officials reach out to your Section Director.
Sections with known Stack Officials accounts:
- Section 2
- Section 8 -
- $200 Annual Subscription Per Account
- $1.00 Per Game Fee for any game with assigned Referees
Partner Success Guide
Crew Pay
Through Stack Officials, Regions have the ability to pay Referee if allowed in their Section. Reach out to your Section Director to verify if your Region is able to use the optional Crew Pay features.
Stack Officials will handle all of the payroll paperwork for your region. They will collect the Referee's payment information and issue a 1099 to your Referees.
Crew Pay Costs
- $10.00 Batch Fee
- $1.50 Batch Fee Per Payee
Youth Referees and 1099 Information
Update March 19, 2025
Currently Stack Officials utilizes Stripe Payments for sending Referee payments. Stripe has some of their own requirements outside of Stack Officials.
For Minors:
*Stripe account must list an ADULT with adult's name and tax id.
*Stack Officials Tax Info Page, the Minor enters THEIR name and tax id on Stack Officials Tax info page.
Help Document: Tax Reporting for Under-18 Officials
When Minors enter their own info into Stack Officials, the 1099-NEC is in THEIR OWN name/ Not the parent's name.
Coming soon, by end of April 2025
Stack Officials is shifting the collection of Tax Ids and all 1099-NEC forms to Stack Officials.
This will eliminate some confusion.
*Minors will continue with Stripe needing ADULT name. This is a Stripe restriction.
*Both minors and adults will fill out a W9 form on Stack Officials.
*All 2025 tax season 1099-NEC forms will be accessible from a Stack Officials profile.