Pitch Plan

From AYSO Wiki

The Pitch Plan initiative introduces an array of benefits, including exclusive coach apparel, streamlined and accessible coaching materials, innovative marketing strategies, and advanced courses for coach educators.   

A Kick in the Grass looks to improve AYSO's National Coaching Program on-field delivery and local play environments by identifying, training, and developing a new cohort of AYSO Coach Educators through the Coach Educator Course.

If You Brand It aims to boost the profile of our local coaches to help attract, recognize, retain, and develop our coaching cohort. Supported by internal and external marketing and branding, every AYSO coach will be recognizable on the pitch as a “Proud AYSO Coach.”

Lend a Hand highlights consolidated coaching materials that refine the amount of quality content available. Easily available and practical assets are provided to improve the experience and ultimately the environments. This includes structured follow-up, touchpoints and communications for ongoing support. (Cliff notes, non-negotiables.)

Tell the Story improves AYSO marketing to current and prospective families, players, and coaches. It provides better support for local marketing efforts—selling the “AYSO Story.”

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