Thank you for your interest in AYSO NAGM 2025
Your participation in the AYSO NAGM 2025 is appreciated and an important responsibility. We encourage you to take the time to read through all materials as they are made available.
The National Board of Directors and the AYSO Office appreciate your time and commitment.
At NAGM 2025 in Kansas City, we will be electing 3 members to the National Board of Directors and a National President. There will be 3 open positions for a three-year term and one open position for the one-year term of the National President.
Please note: You must be a Registered AYSO Volunteer to be considered as a candidate for the National Board of Directors and National President.
To be considered for National President, you must first be elected to the National Board of Directors. You can declare your intention to run for the National Board and for National President by selecting both positions on the nomination form. If you are successfully elected to the National Board at the NAGM, you can immediately be a candidate for National President.
All submissions will be presented to the Nominating Commission for consideration.
More information will be coming soon. If you have any questions please contact Patty Mallan at