Missing Live Scan Certification
The CA Mandated Fingerprinting certification only applies to volunteers from California.
Thank you for completing your Live Scan application! This program is required in California because of AB-506 Youth service organizations: child abuse and neglect prevention.
Please allow up to two weeks for results to come back to the AYSO Office. If it has been longer than two weeks, please follow the rest of this page to help us get your fingerprints entered into the system. The AYSO Safe Haven team is here to help.
1. You can verify that your Live Scan result was received by the California DOJ at https://applicantstatus.doj.ca.gov/. You will need the Automated Transaction Identifier (ATI) number from the bottom of the Live Scan form and the birthdate of the applicant. Note: Fingerprinting is done per-organization, so your fingerprints from other organizations do not transfer over to AYSO.
2. Email cvpa@ayso.org with the following information
- Your Legal first name and Last name
- Your ATI Number
- Your Sports Connect ID (Found on the volunteer page in Sports Connect)
- The date your fingerprints were taken
The following are reasons why your certification might not have automatically uploaded:
- You did not use your full name on Sports Connect as you did on your Live Scan application.
- Your application got rejected due to low fingerprint quality. This means you will have to re-do your fingerprints; you will be notified by the AYSO Office if so.
- You received a “delay” result. This is nothing to be concerned about. The applications are manually worked on, therefore, the delay result is basically saying “we’ll get to you soon”.