Find a region

From AYSO Wiki

1. To find your local A.Y.S.O., you can use our "Region Locator" by visiting:  


2. From the landing page, you may also click on “Register Now” on the left hand side of your screen to access the "Region Locator".


3. Please enter a valid 5 digit zip code and hit “Search”, to find a listing of regions near you. This is the best tool to "shop around" for the Region that best suits you as different leagues utilize different field locations, offer different playing seasons and programs, and may even vary in pricing due to the League's location and expenses.


4. A list of regions will populate in order of distance. Each Region has their own website. To access the Regions website, click on the live link to view more information.


5. On the local Region's website, you can find registration information, programs available, a contact list, field address, what to bring to the registration event and so much more.


6. Once you select a Region that best suits your family’s needs, then on the AYSO region’s website simply click "Register Now" on the top right-hand corner to get started.

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