How to run an Instructor report

From AYSO Wiki

1. To access your eTrainU account, you must log into your Regions Sports Connect account where you completed an online volunteer application. Once logged in you will see the “Welcome Page”.

2. Then click on the “Volunteer” tab, located on the left-hand side of the screen.

3. Click on the AYSOU button under your volunteer record.

4. You will then land on the eTrainU welcome page.

5. Click on Switch, a pop up will appear, select the switch button next to the Instructor level of access.

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6. Select Reports from the top menu and then click on Instructor Position Report.

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7. From this screen you can filter by Area, Region, Section as well as Instructor type. Note: the S/A/R you see is based on your level of access.

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8. Once you select the criteria, click submit.

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9. Click on Export to CSV to generate the report.

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10. This is a sample of the report.

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