Adult Soccer

From AYSO Wiki


AYSO Adult Soccer is a separate non-profit organization that encourages everyone regardless of age, number of players on a team, or skill level, to get out and play. Whether it’s a game of 3v3, pick-up soccer, or futsal, AYSO Adult Soccer allows adults to get out, get fit, and have a good time with their AYSO community!

To start an AYSO Adult Soccer Program, take these steps:

1-      Identify an Adult Soccer Program Leader

While there may not be a need for coaches, the Region will need to appoint a Program Leader to structure the Adult Soccer League within the Region. For Adult Soccer, the Program Leader should be familiar with the AYSO National Coaching Program and with AYSO’s structure.

2-      Space and Time

Field Space is a concern for most Regions, so it may take some creativity when it comes to securing space to play. If a full field is unavailable, try small-sided games with 3v3 or 4v4 and have several small-sided games running on one field at the same time. Another option is to play indoors. Reserve time at a local gym, tennis or basketball court. These are great options for small-sided games of futsal and to just get adults out and playing.

3-      Gear

Equipment needs may vary depending on the number of players and what type of soccer they will be playing. Small goals, cones and pennies can be found at the AYSO Store.

4-      Promote

Reach out to parents whose children are already involved in AYSO, chances are they would be interested in getting out on the field and playing as well. Other places to reach out include: local businesses, hospitals, gyms and schools. Use social media to promote the program on all the popular social media platforms. Hold a special registration event so those interested can come and learn about the new Adult Soccer program. People want to play; they just need to know about their local opportunities.

Adult Soccer Membership Fees

The AYSO Adult Soccer membership fee is $30 per player, per year. The membership year runs from September 1st through August 31st.

This $30 membership fee is payable to the AYSO National Office. Adults cannot play soccer in the AYSO youth program and they must be registered using an AYSO Adult Soccer website, similar to the standard AYSO sites, to prevent co-mingling of AYSO and AYSO Adult Soccer monies for tax reporting.

The fee takes care of registration costs, fees to both U.S. Soccer and United States Adult Soccer Organization (U.S.A.S.A.) and also player accident insurance (PAI), which will cover injuries up to $25,000.

NOTE: The Adult Soccer Membership fee cannot be prorated if players join midway through a membership year. How to Structure an Adult Soccer Program

Set the registration fees. Take a look at any fixed costs to determine the price point. Will the program run year-round? Maybe it will be

two seasons? Or maybe three or four? Talk to the player base to see what the interest level is and structure the (Programs/Seasons) and player fees accordingly.

Fixed costs- a lot will depend on where and when games are played. Consider these questions:

·        Will additional field permits/costs be required?

·        Will there be a need/fees for using field lights?

·        Will the program be using indoor facilities or a local gymnasium? What are those fees?

·        Will the program be paying for referees (common for adult games)?

·        Will there be any equipment purchases required to get set up?

·        New soccer balls, pop up goals, some pennies or maybe some AYSO Adult Soccer Shirts?

Consider planning and including a BBQ at the beginning or the end of each season as a social event to promote the new league.

Regions have the ability to build all of these costs into the program to determine the Adult Soccer fee. Remember, the National Office Adult Soccer fee is just $30 per player for the entire year.

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